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    Learn x Design 2021

    DRS LEARNxDESIGN 2021: 6th International Conference for Design Education Researchers Engaging with Challenges in Design Education | Shandong University of Art & Design, Jinan, China | 24–26 September 2021 EMAL members Anne Solberg, Ellen Baskår, and Camilla Groth participated in the track “Co-creation of Interdisciplinary Design Educations” that welcomed contributions discussing challenges and potentials experienced by researchers engaging in interdisciplinary research involving design and other domains. The track was co-chaired between Arild Berg Oslo Met, Camilla Groth USN, Fausto Medola Sao Paulo State University, Brazil and Kate Sellen, OCAD University, Canada Anne Solberg and Ellen Baskår presented their paper “Co-creating a Cross-Material Silk and Porcelain Art Exhibition” . Abstract: This paper resides…

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    New funding for research on Maker-Centered pedagogies in makerspaces

    Members of the Emal Research Group secured funding for research on Maker-centered learning in School Makerspaces, see project description of Maker-Centered Learning: Cultivating creativity in tomorrow’s schools (MAKER) . The inaugural meeting with project partners took place on Zoom in oktober. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway and will start in December 2021, going on for four years until the end of 2025. We are lucky to collaborate with researchers from Finland and USA in this project.

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    New book release: Reggio Emilia

    EMAL’s Early Childhood researcher and Professor Kari Carlsen has written a book on the philosophical backgrounds and practices of the Reggio Emilia pedagogy. The full name of the book is Reggio Emilia – atelierkultur og utforskende pedagogikk. The release of the book concurred with the Research days (Forskningsdagene) at USN on the 30th of September. The book is written in Norwegian and you can order the book from the bookshop after clicking on the book image.

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    Joint research group seminar during “Forskningsdagene”

    Written by Kirstine Riis The Research Days is a national, annual festival arranged by the Research Council of Norway. All types of research and knowledge-based institutions are invited to present their activities to the public. The festival has been held every year since 1995 and is one of Europe´s largest, nationwide research festivals. On Wednesday 29 September 2021, EMAL researchers participated in the Research Days with a joint seminar between the following research groups: Learning and Teaching for Sustainability (LET´S), https://www.usn.no/english/research/our-research/kindergarden-schools-and-higher-education/learning-and-teaching-for-sustainability/ Forskergruppe for Estetiske læreprosesser (ForEst) (Research group for aesthetic learning processes) https://www.usn.no/forskning/hva-forsker-vi-pa/barnehage-skole-og-hoyere-utdanning/estetiske-lareprosesser/ and Kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid (Artistic Development Work) https://www.usn.no/forskning/hva-forsker-vi-pa/tradisjonskunst-og-praktisk-estetiske-fag/kunstnerisk-utviklingsarbeid/ The day had a rich program with presentations from the…

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    EMAL presented at the Speaking Bodies Conference in May 2021

    Lovise Søyland and Camilla Groth presented Emal member’s research at the Speaking Bodies Conference – Embodied Cognition at the Crossroads of Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology and Artificial Intelligenceon May 13-15, 2021 http://embodiedcognition2020.devpsychology.ro/index.php. Abstract: Embodied making and learning in arts and crafts In art and craft studies, students interact with materials and material situations through their hands and bodies. This material interaction involves thinking and reflecting in relation to what the material affords but also in relation to the intentions and skills of the maker. In research on art and craft processes the accumulation of experiential and embodied knowledge in relation to materials and manual skills are key. Embodied cognition is therefore a…

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    Emal researchers presented at the Biennial International Conference for the Craft Sciences BICCS 2021

    The first Biennial International Conference for the Craft Sciences took place on line between the 4-6 of May, 2021, click here to see the conference pages and the keynotes and abstracts and the conference proceedings in Formakademisk. EMAL researcher Camilla Groth presented a keynote-in-dialogue together with neuroscientists Emerita Professor Riitta Hari, Senior Researcher Veikko Jousmäki, and Research engineer Veli-Matti Saarinen (Aalto University) The speech was a recorded video that comprised of a clay-throwing performance by Camilla Groth combined with monitoring of her behavior using thermal camera and eye-gaze tracker, as well as an interactive discussion of the goals and results of this kind of art–science efforts. See the Keynote by clicking here. Hands in Clay: Craft sciences…

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    Bodily Learning 2021 conference

    EMAL was represented at the Bodily Learning 2021 Conference April 22-23, Organised by NTNU in Trondheim Norway – this time virtually due to the pandemic, see the details of the conference here. EMAL member Camilla Groth held a keynote presentation at the conference. EMAL members Hilde Margrethe Hegna and Trine Ørbek gave a presentation entitled: Embodied teaching and learning in higher education – a review. Abstract Performative research has gained extended attention in research literature the last 20 years. Researchers within this «performative turn» has begun to explore how relational, affective and emotive experiences are significant to teaching and learning. This paper presents and critically discuss the results from a systematic literature…

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    Research days at Notodden 24-25 September 2020

    During two days of research communication EMAL researchers held presentations for members of the institute, the public and students and organised an interdisciplinary research group meeting with the ForEst research group for Aesthetic learning processes https://www.usn.no/forskning/hva-forsker-vi-pa/barnehage-skole-og-hoyere-utdanning/estetiske-lareprosesser/ Release Party for our special issue in FORM Akademisk Journal A release party was held for the new publication in Formakademisk Journal: The Special issue on Embodied making and learning that the EMAL group members have been authoring.  Lecture and praxis event on Body-space-brain-space-body by Marte S. Gulliksen One of the highlights of the research days was Marte Sørebø Gulliksens evening of theory and praxis in which her lecture: Body-space-brain-space-body, concerning sense of space…

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    Emal was represented at the Make and Learn conference at HDK Sweden, September 2019

    A large group of EMAL members presented papers at the Make and Learn Conference 2019, Sept. 17-20  https://embodiedmakinglearning.usn.no/p/nordisk-forskningskonferens.html held at the HDK School of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg Sweden, Organized by the Nordic Forum for Research and Development in Educational Sloyd (Nordfo) http://nordfo.blogspot.com/ The conference was aimed at researchers and teachers at universities and colleges in the field of handicrafts in the Nordic countries, but it was also open to participants from other handicraft activities where materials are processed into artefacts using various tools. Some of the titles presented by EMAL members here:  Kari Carlsen, Anniken Randers-Pehrson, Åsta Rimstad Rammefaktorers betydning for kunst og håndverksundervisning i grunnskolen – utvalg og forskningsdesign. …