Joint research group seminar during “Forskningsdagene”
Written by Kirstine Riis
The Research Days is a national, annual festival arranged by the Research Council of Norway. All types of research and knowledge-based institutions are invited to present their activities to the public. The festival has been held every year since 1995 and is one of Europe´s largest, nationwide research festivals.
On Wednesday 29 September 2021, EMAL researchers participated in the Research Days with a joint seminar between the following research groups:
Learning and Teaching for Sustainability (LET´S),
Forskergruppe for Estetiske læreprosesser (ForEst) (Research group for aesthetic learning processes)
and Kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid (Artistic Development Work)
The day had a rich program with presentations from the research group members and breaks with the opportunity for mingling and networking. The program started in an auditorium and was gradually moved to the Artistic Development Work Group’s exhibitions in galleries and common areas.
Thank you for a great and inspiring day!