
Research days at Notodden 24-25 September 2020

During two days of research communication EMAL researchers held presentations for members of the institute, the public and students and organised an interdisciplinary research group meeting with the ForEst research group for Aesthetic learning processes https://www.usn.no/forskning/hva-forsker-vi-pa/barnehage-skole-og-hoyere-utdanning/estetiske-lareprosesser/

Release Party for our special issue in FORM Akademisk Journal

A release party was held for the new publication in Formakademisk Journal: The Special issue on Embodied making and learning that the EMAL group members have been authoring. 

Lecture and praxis event on Body-space-brain-space-body by Marte S. Gulliksen

One of the highlights of the research days was Marte Sørebø Gulliksens evening of theory and praxis in which her lecture: Body-space-brain-space-body, concerning sense of space and the embodied and cognitive basis for this was held by the exhibition of her wooden carvings exhibition. 

See the two news articles in Norwegian on this event:



Hands on Making and Learning Event

The lecture was followed by a workshop in which 30 participants could try out formgiving activities in whittling wood guided by Vikings. Here are some images from the event.

link to the event pages: https://www.usn.no/aktuelt/aktivitetskalender/kropp-rom-hjerne-rom-kropp

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