
Craft science workshops at Mariestad

The third and last craft science workshop in the series of three (see earlier blogs) was arranged on October 11-13 in Mariestad, Sweden by the Craft Laboratory and University of Gothenburg partners Gunnar Almevik and Tina Westerlund.

Over three days the group of 20 researchers and teachers shared craft related information and knowledge through lectures workshops and discussions. The lectures involved themes such as artistic research in woodwork using only preindustrial tools, Research on the value and appreciation of crafts in society and IPR in Crafts.

Jan Lütjohann gives a lecture on his artistic explorations and thoughts. Photo by Sirpa Kokko.

In hands-on workshops on plant propagation and masonry and plastering the participant were discussing learning a craft as a novice from a master and what implications such body-based learning has on craft teaching.

Plant propagation, and horticultural crafts in general, involve decision making based on sensory evaluations. Here the group, led by Tina Westerlund, are feeling the moisture of the compost before deciding wether or not it needs more moisture. Photo by Camilla Groth.
Adding plaster to a wall in the correct manner is not as easy as it may appear. Here one of the participants tries to find the right “flip” with the hand. Photo by Sirpa Kokko.

The experiences were then drafted in discussions on how such processes could be presented through nontraditional research outputs, so called  NTRO’s.

We also had an opportunity to visit the vocational craft school that includes for example timber house building, architectural painting and window making and repair.

Visiting the timber building class, the students learning is based on experiential knowledge of the real situation. Photo by Sirpa Kokko.

In preparations for future collaborations the participants also drafted plans for the next Biennial International Conference for the Craft Sciences (BICCS) that will be held in the same location next year 20-22 September 2023. See previous conference here https://biccs.dh.gu.se/2021

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