
New book: Expanding Environmental Awareness in Education Through the Arts; Crafting-with the Environment.

We have a new book edited and written by members of the EMAL research group recently, it is in English and published by Springer:

Expanding Environmental Awareness in Education Through the Arts; Crafting-with the Environment.

Editors for this book are Biljana C. Fredriksen and Camilla Groth

And the link to the book: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-4855-8

Abstract: This book presents diverse processes of crafting that bring humans, more than-humans and the environment closer to one another and, by doing so, addresses personal and educational developments towards ecological awareness. It discusses the human-material relationship, introduces posthuman theoretical entry points and reflects on the implementation of such theoretical perspectives in education. The practical examples of crafting-with the environment, the material practices and reflections posed in the book, provide insights into possible ways of levelling out human and material hierarchies. 

The chapters of this book give examples of artists’ and crafts people’s processes of thinking through materials and with materials, but also their reflections on how more-than-humans (animals and plants) craft from available materials, and how the environment and landscapes re-craft themselves through tedious processes of transformation. These case examples are founded on the authors’ own experiences with phenomena they are trying to understand and critically explore.

This book is of interest to professional creative practitioners, art and craft educators, art teacher educators or researchers in the field of creative practices. It has power to inspire rethinking of present educational practices, to ignite critical reflections about materials and more-than humans, and, hopefully, motivate transformations toward more ecologically sustainable ways of life. 

The book is available for free for USN personnel and students, and so far we have managed to open two of the chapters for general open access:

Crafting in Dialogue with the Material Environment

By Maarit Mäkelä

Pages 109-123


Soil Laboratory: Crafting Experiments in an Exhibition Setting

By Riikka Latva-Somppi

Pages 213-229

Book information



Hardcover ISBN978-981-19-4854-1

Series ISSN1573-4528

Number of Pages XV, 240

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