
Workshop in Kolding, Denmark

Five members of the Embodied Making and Learning Research Group at Telemark University College and Buskerud/Vestfold University College are these tree days in Kolding, Denmark to participate in the EkSIG biannual conference and have a research strategic workshop. From the left: Marte Sørebø Gulliksen, Brynjar Olavsson, Kari Carlsen, Biljana C. Fredriksen and Kirstine Riis.

On the boat towards Denmark, we put in several good working hours updating ourselves on the situation in all our research strategic “task forces”, and planning which move to do next on project acquisition and -development. This strategic framework will form the background of what we hear and discuss during the conference.

EkSIG is the acronym of Design Research Society’s Special Interest Group for Experiential Learning. The title of this year’s conference is “Tangible Means – experiential knowledge through materials”, see: http://experientialknowledge.org.uk/conference_2015.html 

Marte get to present her paper on the very first day of the conference. The title of the presentation was :Why making matters – an exploration of neurobiological perspectives on woodcarving. The full text version of the paper can be found in the conference proceedings from page 59ff.

The conference venue is something special, the Design School of Kolding:
…and the conference kit was something out of the ordinary….