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    Workshop in Kolding, Denmark

    Five members of the Embodied Making and Learning Research Group at Telemark University College and Buskerud/Vestfold University College are these tree days in Kolding, Denmark to participate in the EkSIG biannual conference and have a research strategic workshop. From the left: Marte Sørebø Gulliksen, Brynjar Olavsson, Kari Carlsen, Biljana C. Fredriksen and Kirstine Riis. On the boat towards Denmark, we put in several good working hours updating ourselves on the situation in all our research strategic “task forces”, and planning which move to do next on project acquisition and -development. This strategic framework will form the background of what we hear and discuss during the conference. EkSIG is the acronym…

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    Theme session on Embodied Making and Learning at DRS-Conference, Brighton, 2016

    Emal will arrange a themesession at the Design Research Society Conference in 2016 in Brighton, UK. This is done together with the researchconsortium initiated at the  symposia LearnXDesign2015 in june 2015 in Chicago. Additional theme 4. Embodied making and learning SUB-CHAIR Marte Sørebø Gulliksen, Telemark University College, Norway CO-CONVENERS Pirita Seitamaa Hakkarainen, Helsinki University, Finland Maarit Mäkelä, Aalto University, Finland Kirstine Riis, Telemark University College, Norway Camilla Groth, Helsinki University, Finland Being immersed in a design process is an embodied process of making. In this proposed thematic session we will call for papers that 1) explore the phenomenon embodied making and the conditions for it within the wide spectrum of design processes, and 2) how…

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    EMAL and our new informal consortium at LearnXDesign2015

    All facilitators from the three research groups organizing the Embodied making and design learning at the LearnXDesign2015-conference, 28. june 2015. From the left: Brynjar Olavsson (HiT, Norway), Joel Lopata (Western, Canada), Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen (Helsinki University, Finland), Marte S. Gulliksen (HiT, Norway), Maarit Mäkelä (Aalto University, Finland), Catharine Dihske-Hondzel (Huron College, Canada), Tellervo Härkki (Helsinki University, Finland), Camilla Groth (Aalto University, Finland) We plan to make as many as possible of our presentations available from our blogs. We are also developing our papers into articles that will be published as a Special Issue in the research journal FORMakademisk.    Links:  Presentation slides for the symposium is published at Gulliksen’s Academia.edu page.…

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    Symposium: Embodied Making and Design Learning, LearnXDesign2015

    We are proud to announce that EMAL will be co-hosting a symposium at the LearnXDesign2015-conference in Chicago 28.-30 of June. The symposium takes place Sunday the 28th. If you have the opportunity, please join us! Facilitators: Marte S. GULLIKSEN Professor, Telemark University College, Norway Pirita SEITAMAA-HAKKARAINEN Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland Maarit MÄKELÄ Associate Professor, Aalto University, Finland Catharine DISHKE-HONDZEL PhD, Western University, Canada Joel LOPATA PhD, Western University, Canada Camilla GROTH Research Fellow, Aalto University, Finland Tellervo HÄRKKI Research Fellow, University of Helsinki, Finland Aim The aim of the symposium is to discuss the role of embodied making in design learning. Embodied making is a term used to describe…

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    Performing, making and body-based intra-action in the concept of happy knitting

    August 12, 2014:  Exploring the boundaries of knitting as an embodied making activity.   At Tuesday 12th August three group members: Astrid Hus, Geir Grimeland and Marte S. Gulliksen staged a performance where we explored:– knitting as a social or intra-action activity in a group– knitting as a full-body experience/inter-body experience (expanding the phenomenological self-experience to a we-experience)– knitting as a transdisciplinary performance in the intersection betweenoutdoor-life, climbing, nature experience, craft, beauty of the hoops,etc.– knitting as a process, where the act of knitting was in the core and the knit were unraveled at the end of the performance. ExperienceOur experience of this performance was exhilarating. The physical experience of…